The Premises Licence
Premises Licence Services




What is a Premises Licence?
- A premises licence, or a club premises certificate, is a permanent licence granted for a specific location in England or Wales to authorise licensable activities. These include:
- The sale or supply of alcohol to the public.
- The provision of regulated entertainment (such as the performance of live music or any playing of recorded music) before 8am or after 11pm.
- The provision of late night refreshment (providing hot food or drink between 11pm and 5am).
- If you intend to carry out any of these activities at your bar or restaurant, a premises licence will be obligatory.
How do I apply for a Premises Licence
- Premises Licences are issued by Licensing Authorities. These are Local District Council bodies in England and Wales.
- Qualifying applicants must apply for a Premises Licence to the Licensing Authority of the Local Council covering the area in which the premises is located.
- To obtain a Premises Licence from your Local Licensing Authority, you must submit an application containing the following:
- For individual applicants, or partnerships which are not limited liability partnerships, proof of the right to live and work in the UK.
- An application form containing the Operating Schedule including:
- Opening hours.
- The provision of regulated entertainment before 8am or after 11pm(such as the performance of live music or any playing of recorded music).
- The provision of late night refreshment (providing hot food or drink between 11pm and 5am).
- Measures to be taken to comply with the four licensing objectives.
- A plan of the layout of the premises.
- Formal Agreement of the person specified as the 'Designated Premises Supervisor'
- The relevant fee
- Copies of the application (minus the fee) must also be sent to various "Responsible Authorities" (e.g. Police, Fire Service or Child Protection).
- Applying for a premises licence can be complex - particularly if the premises is situated in a designated 'Cumulative Impact' area or zone where there is a high density of licensed premises such as bars, restaurants or off-licences.
- Pro-Leagle have extensive experience of successfully negotiating premises licences with Licensing Authorities. We can consult with the relevant responsible authorities on your behalf - producing an application with the best chance of success.
- Our fees are £210 for a standard premises licence application or £330 if the premises is in a Cumulative Impact Zone. Contact us about this service.
Do I qualify for a Premises Licence?
- A prospective premises licence holder must be aged 18 or over and have the right to live and work in the UK.
- If alcohol is to be sold a Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS) must be appointed to manager the premises. The DPS must hold a Personal Licence. The premises licence holder can, but does not need to, also act as the DPS.
- The relevant premises must meet required fire-safety and environmental-health standards for the licensable activities proposed.
The premises is in a Cumulative Impact Area/Zone. Can I still get a licence?
Licensing authorities often institute Cumulative Impact policies to deal with alcohol-related disorder in specific areas containing a high density of licensed properties (such as public houses or off-licences).
- In such areas there is generally a rebuttal presumption for new applications. In other words, applications will be rejected unless it can be successfully argued that granting the premises licence would not add to existing disorder.
- For such applications prior consultation with the Police is a must. They are the Responsible Authority who will generally raise most objections to the application. Understanding the potential issues in advance can save on unnecessary Licensing Authority hearings. Recommendations may include:
- Installing colour CCTV.
- Putting in place a clear staff training policy.
- Banning "vertical drinking" (all customers supplied with alcohol must be seated).
- If the premises is a restaurant, supplying alcohol only as part of a table meal.
- Pro-Leagle have a strong track record of success with Cumulative Impact Area applications - particularly in challenging London suburbs.
- We charge £330 for preparation of premises licence applications in Cumulative Impact Zones. Contact us about this service.
I have bought a property/lease with an existing premises licence under the name of a previous owner. What do I do?
- This situation is generally simpler than a new premises licence application. You can now:
- Apply to the Licensing Authority to transfer the licence into your name. You will need to obtain consent from the current licence holder (£99 Pro-Leagle service).
- If alcohol is to be sold, and the Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS) will not be the same as under the previous owner, you must also apply to vary the DPS (£99 Pro-Leagle service)
- If the current opening times and daily hours of licensable activities are unsuitable you will need to apply to vary the Operating Schedule of the licence(£99 Pro-Leagle service)
- Licensing Authorities will generally accept these applications simultaneously. Contact us about these services.
I want to transfer a premises licence but I can't find the previous owner to give their consent. What can I do?
- This situation often arises with properties or leases purchased at auction.
- Generally you will need to demonstrate to the Licensing Authority that you have taken reasonable steps to obtain consent.
- Pro-Leagle can attempt to trace the previous owner on your behalf - a step that should generally be sufficient (£99 Pro-Leagle service).